AAP updates Clinical Guidance on Management of Infants Born to Mothers with Suspected or Confirmed COVID-19

What is new in this update?

The first AAP neonatal guidance was provided on April 2, 2020, near the onset of the global pandemic, when it was apparent that SARS-CoV-2 was very contagious and infected individuals could suffer severe mortality and morbidity. Since that time, published evidence as well as data provided to the National Registry for Surveillance and Epidemiology of Perinatal COVID-19 Infection has better informed the risks of perinatal disease. In this update, guidance on infection prevention measures for hospital personnel remains largely unchanged. Based on our understanding of the current evidence, we have updated guidance on management of infected mothers and their infants during the birth hospitalization and guidance on NICU visitation. We anticipate additional revision to this guidance as further evidence becomes available to inform newborn management.

AAP updates Clinical Guidance on Management of Infants Born to Mothers with Suspected or Confirmed COVID-19