JOGNN: Evidence-Based Education Programs to Improve Maternal Outcomes

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To address the current maternal health crisis and to ensure that all patients receive high-quality care that is responsive to their needs, members of the multidisciplinary health care team must communicate effectively and work collaboratively to coordinate care. The expectation is that members of multidisciplinary teams work cooperatively, integrate their individual roles and responsibilities, optimize the function of the team, and practice collaborative leadership (Kurniasih et al., 2024). Researchers described strategies to improve teamwork, including multidisciplinary training (Arnold et al., 2022) and multidisciplinary simulation-based teaching and learning, which were beneficial in increasing interprofessional knowledge (Saragih et al., 2024) and enhancing teamwork, team communication, clinical judgment skills, and clinical performance (Chae & Shon, 2024). The purpose of this editorial is to compare five evidenced-based education offerings designed to improve teamwork and maternal outcomes.