CDC mPINC statement

To all our Oklahoma hospitals,

We have been getting a lot of info from the CDC recently, including:

  1. 2020 Breastfeeding Report Card:
  2. 2020 Breastfeeding Rates:
  3. 2018 mPINC Survey state report for Oklahoma:
  4. If your hospital completed the 2018 mPINC survey, then your hospital should have received your individual hospital benchmark reports. If you did not receive, please check here for more info:

The CDC has now launched the 2020 mPINC survey so we are alerting everyone to be on the lookout for the CDC’s initial contact to identify who to send the survey too. They ALWAYS call and speak with the mother/baby or L&D manager to determine who to contact by email.

Oklahoma hospitals have continued to have strong participation in the biannual mPINC survey with over 80% participation rates, even with the glitches in the 2018 survey. Hopefully this survey will be much smoother and we hope we can have good participation again.

Please see the below email for more details on the 2020 mPINC survey administration.

If you have any questions, please contact: