Take Control is partnering with Power to Decide to offer a FREE One Key Question® Provider Training.
What: One Key Question® Provider Training brought to you by Power to Decide and Take Control Initiative
When: Friday, February 8, 2019, 9:00 am- 4:30 pm (registration and light breakfast at 8:30 am)
Where: Tulsa Central Library, 400 Civic Center, Tulsa, OK 74103
Cost: Free (breakfast and lunch provided)
Registration link: https://tinyurl.com/OKQtulsa
Registration deadline: Friday, February 1, 2019
Registration Limit: 50 participants
Ideal Participants: One Key Question® (OKQ) Training is open to any health professional who serves women ages 18-50 including clinicians (MD, DO, nurse practitioner, nurse, etc.), home visitors, WIC providers, community health workers, front desk clinical staff, medical assistants or other professionals working with this age group.
About One Key Question®:
One Key Question®, a program of Power to Decide, is focused on understanding women’s intentions and providing follow-up care. Patients’ answers of Yes, No, Okay Either Way, or Unsure lead to follow-up questions around preconception and/or contraception services (directly or through referral) tailored to each woman’s unique answer.
One Key Question® is a groundbreaking and simple service that encourages health care and social service providers and others to routinely ask women about their reproductive health needs. By asking: “Would you like to become pregnant in the next year?” clinicians and others can more fully support women’s health needs.
One Key Question® Learning Objectives:
Following the training, participants will be able to:
- Ask One Key Question® and follow the 4 response protocol with fidelity.
- Be conversant on contraception, interconception, and preconception practices and care.
- Clearly articulate referral systems when direct care isn’t an option.
- Develop and implement a personal practice plan, based on best practices, to integrate One Key Question® into workflow.
- Provide all counseling and services in a way that support women’s intentions, regardless of the answer in a non-judgmental and unbiased way.
- Observe practices consistent with One Key Question® Code of Ethics.
Click to view flyer: One Key Question Flyer Feb. 8