OPQIC’s 7th Annual Summit
October 2, 2020
8 am – 12:30 pm
*Virtual Meeting, Register to get the meeting link.
Cost: Free
- Sarah Johnson
- Camille Davis, MSN, RN
- Barbara O’Brien, MS, RN
We will be recognizing 2020’s Spotlight Hospitals and providing data updates.
You may have heard Sarah’s story, but this is a fresh perspective with new
insights and opportunities for change. Come listen to:
· Sarah’s story and how, 4 years later, her life is still impacted by her birth
· Discussion on opportunities to change the trajectory of her experience
· Discussion on why her situation occurred and what we can do to ensure we
practice judgment-free care |

Spotlight Hospitals 2020
Click here to view the 2020 Spotlight Hospital Criteria.