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NCHS Webinar: Final 2018 Mortality Data Release with a Special Highlight on Maternal Mortality

The National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) will release the Final 2018 Mortality File and accompanying reports on Thursday, January 30, 2020. In addition to reports highlighting life expectancy and drug overdose, NCHS will release new reports on maternal mortality measurement in the United States, along with detailed data files for researchers. With the release

Safe Sleep Training

Oklahoma City County Health Department | 2600 NE 63rd St., Oklahoma City, OK

Providing training on The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) Guidelines for Infant Safe Sleep Who should attend? Health educators that work with families, child and health care providers or other professionals that educate families on infant safe sleep. Anyone interested in providing education on Infant Safe Sleep. CECPD CEUs available for this training. Register: Click

Safety Action Series Webinar: An Interdisciplinary Look at Obstetric Care for Women with Opioid Use Disorder

OBJECTIVES Discuss treating opioid use disorder through the lens of obstetric care and behavioral health Identify effective screening tools to detect drug use Review prenatal, intrapartum, and postpartum clinical pathways for women with opioid use disorder Examine safe pain control protocols that account for increased pain sensitivity and avoidance of mixed agonist-antagonist opioid analgesics, referenced

Safety Program in Perinatal Care-II (SPPC-II) Demonstration Project – OKC

Moore Norman Technology Center S. Penn Campus | 13301 S. Pennsylvania Ave, Oklahoma City, OK

Register now for a free 1-day Obstetric specific TeamSTEPPS training integrated into the AIM clinical bundles to provide safer care to our patients! Oklahoma is 1 of the first 2 pioneer states in the country to roll this out. Stipends will be paid to hospital teams. Amount will be determined at a later date based

Safety Program in Perinatal Care-II (SPPC-II) Demonstration Project – Tulsa

OU-Tusa Schusterman | 4502 E 41st St, Tulsa, OK

Register now for a free 1-day Obstetric specific TeamSTEPPS training integrated into the AIM clinical bundles to provide safer care to our patients! Oklahoma is 1 of the first 2 pioneer states in the country to roll this out. Stipends will be paid to hospital teams. Amount will be determined at a later date based


Samis Education Center | 1200 Children's Ave, Oklahoma City, OK

Click here for more details about AWHONN IFMC. Click here to register.