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Webinar: OMNO Discussion

Join us as we discuss the OMNO (Oklahoma Mothers and Newborns affected by Opioids) Pilot from 1:oo PM to 2:00 PM. OMNO Discussion When it's time, start your meeting from here: Join the meeting Access Information Audio Connection (405) 271-2466 Meeting Number: 990 028 938

ACOG: Supporting Simulation Training for Obstetric Patient Safety (NYC)

Course Description This 1-day course utilizes a strong simulation focus and multiple learning modalities to prepare individuals to lead trainings at their institutions. It will be held at the state-of-the-art Mary & Michael Jaharis Simulation Center at the Columbia University Irving Medical Center and hosted by leaders in simulation science. Participants in this course can

Webinar: New Period of PURPLE Crying App

Webinars are scheduled to showcase the new features and resources such as enhanced articles and videos on crying, soothing, coping and sleeping, and to demonstrate the new “Baby Tracker” that records and tracks feeding, sleeping, crying, diaper changes, and breast pumping. Tuesday, January 7th at 10:00 am  National Center SBS is inviting you to a

Webinar: New Period of PURPLE Crying App

Webinars are scheduled to showcase the new features and resources such as enhanced articles and videos on crying, soothing, coping and sleeping, and to demonstrate the new “Baby Tracker” that records and tracks feeding, sleeping, crying, diaper changes, and breast pumping. Thursday, January 9th at 2:00 pm National Center SBS is inviting you to a

OPQIC Quarterly Meeting

Held quarterly on the 3rd Tuesday in January, April and October.  Stephenson Cancer Center 5th floor conference room.  Contact OPQI at 405-271-7777 for more information. Polycom videoconferencing available at:  OU College of Medicine, Tulsa Schusterman Campus, Room 2B19; EOSU-Pratt 134.  OU sites dial 775058, non-OU sites dial to be connected to the meeting.


Click here to find out more about PCEP. If you are interested in signing up for PCEP, click here.

CMQCC Webinar: Introduction to “Improving Diagnosis and Treatment of Maternal Sepsis” a Quality Improvement Toolkit

Presented by: Ronald Gibbs, MD, Stanford University Lori Olvera, DNP, RNC-OB, Sutter Health Join us on Thursday, January 23rd as we introduce CMQCC’s "Improving Diagnosis and Treatment of Maternal Sepsis" Toolkit. Objectives: Know the importance of maternal sepsis on morbidity and mortality Understand the Two-Step Method for screening and diagnosis of sepsis in pregnancy Describe

NCHS Webinar: Final 2018 Mortality Data Release with a Special Highlight on Maternal Mortality

The National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) will release the Final 2018 Mortality File and accompanying reports on Thursday, January 30, 2020. In addition to reports highlighting life expectancy and drug overdose, NCHS will release new reports on maternal mortality measurement in the United States, along with detailed data files for researchers. With the release

Safe Sleep Training

Oklahoma City County Health Department | 2600 NE 63rd St., Oklahoma City, OK

Providing training on The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) Guidelines for Infant Safe Sleep Who should attend? Health educators that work with families, child and health care providers or other professionals that educate families on infant safe sleep. Anyone interested in providing education on Infant Safe Sleep. CECPD CEUs available for this training. Register: Click

Safety Action Series Webinar: An Interdisciplinary Look at Obstetric Care for Women with Opioid Use Disorder

OBJECTIVES Discuss treating opioid use disorder through the lens of obstetric care and behavioral health Identify effective screening tools to detect drug use Review prenatal, intrapartum, and postpartum clinical pathways for women with opioid use disorder Examine safe pain control protocols that account for increased pain sensitivity and avoidance of mixed agonist-antagonist opioid analgesics, referenced