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Project ECHO & AAP

The AAP is excited to announce that the Maternal-Infant Health and Opioid Use ECHO have joined together to form a collaborative that aims to support pediatric practices in their implementation of clinical interventions to improve the health outcomes of infants and families affected by prenatal opioid use. Pediatric practices interested in developing sustainable patient- and

CMQCC: Supporting your Units During COVID-19, A Q&A with Frontline Perinatal Leaders

A panel of frontline perinatal leaders hosted by CMQCC and CPQCC will discuss questions from participants outlining the impact and current state of COVID-19 in California hospitals. We encourage you to pre-submit questions for the webinar in the box at the bottom of the registration page. Your pre-submitted questions will direct the focus of the

Project ECHO High Risk OB

Why HIGH RISK OB ECHO? High Risk OB ECHO provides education, training and consultation utilizing the Project ECHO (Extension for Community Healthcare Outcomes) model to support the State Maternal Health Innovation Program. For the past 18 years in the state of Oklahoma, an average of 11 women died of complications related to pregnancy every year.

Free LARC Provider Training

CSETC | 940 NE 13th St., Oklahoma City, OK

Providers who provide family planning services to patients that are 18 and under are eligible for this no cost training. Times: Full Training: 8 AM - 4 PM For more information, contact: or Sarah-Coleman@ouhsc.du

ACOG: Maternal Cardiac Conditions: Addressing a Leading Cause of Pregnancy-Related Death

In observation of American Heart Month, ACOG is hosting a webinar, “Maternal Cardiac Conditions: Addressing a Leading Cause of Pregnancy-Related Death” on Wednesday, February 24, 2021 at 11:00 AM CST. Speakers will address cardiac contributors to maternal mortality, differentiating normal cardiac changes in the pregnant or postpartum patient from signs of cardiac disease, assessing maternal