Infant Mortality Alliance – Stakeholders Webinar Series
Black Maternal Health Week Registration Flyer (coming soon)
Black Maternal Health Week Registration Flyer (coming soon)
Why HIGH RISK OB ECHO? High Risk OB ECHO provides education, training and consultation utilizing the Project ECHO (Extension for Community Healthcare Outcomes) model to support the State Maternal Health Innovation Program. For the past 18 years in the state of Oklahoma, an average of 11 women died of complications related to pregnancy every year.
Providers who provide family planning services to patients that are 18 and under are eligible for this no cost training. Times: Full Training: 8 AM - 4 PM For more information, contact: or Sarah-Coleman@ouhsc.du
Held quarterly on the 3rd Tuesday in January, April and October. This meeting will be virtual.
Please join us to hear about the ODMHSAS-led Zero Suicide - a movement that started nationally with the belief that suicide deaths for individuals under the care of health and behavioral health systems are preventable. Simply put, Zero Suicide a way to improve suicide care within health and behavioral health systems. Please join us to
The training is free of charge to participants, but you must register. Space is limited. Click here to register Who should take this course? Anyone interested in providing education on Infant Safe Sleep. CECPD CEUs available for this training. For more information contact: Taffy Henderson at (405) 419-4179 or
Why HIGH RISK OB ECHO? High Risk OB ECHO provides education, training and consultation utilizing the Project ECHO (Extension for Community Healthcare Outcomes) model to support the State Maternal Health Innovation Program. For the past 18 years in the state of Oklahoma, an average of 11 women died of complications related to pregnancy every year.